
Canon Powershot S90 -- 28 mm - 1/500 s - f 2.8 - ISO 80
Taken yesterday, right after eating at the cafeteria.


Canon Powershot S90 -- 28 mm - 1/400 s - f 8.0 - ISO 80

This post features my sister. It marks the first photo with a person. I must say that photos of people are the most complicated, even though it might seem that they're the most popular. At least for me, taking pictures that the people who are being photographed would also like, is not only the most important scale but something I find very hard to achieve.

Maybe it's worth pointing out that every photo that I publish that has specific people in it (as opposed to crowds or random/anonymous people) has the permission of that person to be published.


Canon Powershot S90 -- 28 mm - 1/1250 s - f 4.0 - ISO 80

The comments will become shorter and shorter now, I believe. This is one photographic advice that you don't hear often enough: there's beauty in everything, you just have to want to see it.

Taken around the town that I come from.


Canon Powershot S90 -- 28 mm - 1/20 s - f 2.0 - ISO 80

And this post would be the first one to use Blogger's ability to schedule posts. I hope to make this blog something continous for everyone to enjoy every day, even if I'm not available for whatever reasons.

Regarding the choice of pictures: I try to take a wide variety of photos of any kind. That means that I don't only photograph architecture and land- or cityscapes, but also try to photograph people and sometimes attempt to make "artsy" photos. For today, I decided to post food. I made it myself (both photo and food)!


Canon Powershot S90 -- 105 mm - 1/800 s - f 6.3 - ISO 80

Photos first, then a comment. I think that makes more sense for future posts.

This photo was taken on a trip to Sweden. You may hover above the picture to see the camera settings that were used. Also, any pictures posted here also exist in a higher resolution that I will be happy to provide if asked for.

First Entry

I must say that making a blog is a very complicated and serious buisness. LiveJournal has failed to appeal to me and as a popular resort, I'm once again selling my soul to Google, it appears.

There are a few things I need to mention in this first post and even in this attempt to answer all the possible questions, I'm sure there will be many that I forgot to consider.

Firstly, about this blog being English: in my past, it appears that I have collected a considerable amount of international friends whom I refuse to ignore. Contrarily, I expect my German fellows to understand what I'm writing and I'd be grateful if you just tried to understand. Okay?

Secondly, this blog will have one photo a day. The backstory to this is that I more or less randomly decided to take up photography some time at the end of this long winter of 2010. I have bought myself what can be considered the flagship of compact cameras, a Canon Powershot S90, and started taking more photos than ever. Soon, I realized that I could make nice-looking photos that people enjoyed a lot and at quite a rate, too. Inspired by a few other photography blogs, I decided to take up this challenge and try to do likewise, providing you all with one photo out of my life every day. That being said, I will try to keep the photos recent, but I may go back into my archives if I don't have any recent photos available or consider some of those photos to be especially worthy.

And thirdly: I just enjoy taking photos. There are people out there who make even better photos, I'm sure of that, but I hope that you can enjoy the photos that I make and just don't care about anything for a little second of the day when looking at what I made :)

Canon Powershot S90 -- 28 mm - 6 s - f 2.0 - ISO 80